National Junior Honor Society





Attention NJHS students and parents:

Interested students will need to apply online in Schoology.

  • NJHS Application, Hours, and Essay information will be available online in Schoology mid to early October.
  • Application, Hours, and Essay due by March 28, 2025.
  • ASB membership will be required this school year.


KMS Colts logo


Join the Kenmore Middle School Chapter of National Junior Honor Society!

Our mission is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to give back through community service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of junior high and middle schools.

The KMS Colt chapter is large and active, and represents an exemplary group of students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance and upheld a commitment to the values of the national organization.

Important Dates

NJHS Application, Hours, and Essay information will be available online in Schoology mid to late November.

Application, Hours, and Essay due by March 28, 2025 .

Membership Requirements

National Junior Honor Society Logo



Mr. Philip Razem
KMS NJHS Advisor

Additional Info

Schoology Group Course ID: