Season 3 Sports are OPEN FOR REGISTRATION and will start January 21st.
7/8 Girls Basketball (cut sport), 6 Girls Basketball (cut sport), 6,7,8 COED Wrestling (no cut)
Schedules will be posted on the KMS Website under activities/athletics.
Please make sure you have an up to date sports physical on file! Athletes are not able to participate without the current physical on file. Zoomcare offers same day physicals for $65. Scholarships are available. Please contact your counselor or Ms. Bragg for more information.
Payments for cut sports will not be due until the team is created. Any payments are made through your Touchbase account or in person at the KMS Main Office. Although fees show up in Final Forms, you are not able to make a payment in this program. Once you make a payment using your Touchbase account, Final Forms will be updated to show the payment in approximately 48 hours. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Bragg.